About us

A TV team from Ukraine visited us to experience how a day for old school paint by number designers works.

Painting activity live in norwegian television.

Norgeson is a small husband and wife company from northern Norway that has been making high quality painting kits since 2014. We paint the original art and we create the handmade design files. Most artists focus on selling their original art or prints of it. Our focus is that you can paint a great version of our art. The design photo shows the result you will get from following the traditional numbered system and number of colours included. The colours come in separate paint pots. No mixing is required on our traditional paint by number kits!

We are registrated for sales in EU,UK,AU and NO. VAT/GST is applied in checkout and no extra charges will come. Custom charges may apply if you are in other countries. (Countries have different rules, United States starts charging extra on orders over 800 USD while Canada starts with orders over 20 CAD) If any questions, send your custom office the invoice + tracking number.

Designed in Norway, shipped from China.
Our traditional paint kits are now produced and shipped from our high quality factory in China. Each kit will be made to order - you will not receive old stock!

Designed, printed, packed and shipped from Norway.
Our own production is all about the new series "A new art experience" that will teach you techniques like texture and blending variations.

What is a paint by number?
When we paint an original painting, we start by making a sketch. Then we fill this sketch with paint blocks. Sounds familiar? Yes, the concept is pretty much like traditional painting by numbers. When our painting is finished, we make a new detailed sketch. Small numbered fields that guide you to paint your version of our art. Fill area 1 with paint labeled 1, area 2 with paint labeled 2 and so on. When you are done, you will end up with a painting as shown in our design image.


Check out our Facebook page Norgeson - Taking paint by number to a new level and our Facebook group Norgeson - A new art experience for more information.